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2021-10-28 05:42:29


下面给出窗体form1的程序代码。 private sub form_load()

’ create object variable for the imagelist.

dim imgx as listimage

’ load pictures into the imagelist control.

set imgx = stimages. _

add(, \"open\", loadpicture(\"graphics\\bitmaps\\tlbr_w95\\p\"))

set imgx = stimages. _

add(, \"save\", loadpicture(\"graphics\\bitmaps\\tlbr_w95\\p\"))

agelist = imagelist1

’ create object variable for the toolbar.

dim btnx as button

’ add button objects to buttons collection using the

’ add method. after creating each button, set both

’ description and tooltiptext properties.

d , , , tbrseparator

set btnx = d(, \"open\", , tbrdefault, \"open\")

oltiptext = \"open file\"

scription = oltiptext

set btnx = d(, \"save\", , tbrdefault, \"save\")

oltiptext = \"save file\"

scription = oltiptext

set btnx = d(, , , tbrseparator)

’ the next button has the placeholder style. a

’ combobox control will be placed on top of this button.

set btnx = d(, \"combo1\", , tbrplaceholder)

dth = 1500 ’ placeholder width to accommodate a combobox.

show ’ show form to continue configuring combobox.

’ configure combobox control to be at same location as the

’ button object with the placeholder style (key = \"combo1\").

with combo1

.width = ttons(\"combo1\").width

.top = ttons(\"combo1\").top

.left = ttons(\"combo1\").left

.additem \"black\" ’ add colors for text.

.additem \"blue\"

.additem \"red\"

.listindex = 0

end with

end sub

private sub form_resize()

’ configure combobox control.

with combo1

.width = ttons(\"combo1\").width

.top = ttons(\"combo1\").top

.left = ttons(\"combo1\").left

end with

end sub

private sub toolbar1_buttonclick(byval button as button)

’ use the key property with the selectcase statement to specify

’ an action.

select case y

case is = \"open\" ’ open file.

msgbox \"add code to open file here!\"

case is = \"save\" ’ save file.

msgbox \"add code to save file here!\"

end select

end sub

private sub combo1_click()

’ change backcolor of form using the combobox.

select case stindex

case 0

ckcolor = vbblack

case 1

ckcolor = vbblue

case 2

联系到了吴女士。她说 ckcolor = vbred

end select

end sub
